What To Do If Research Isn't For You?

To me, research is like coriander, some people love it and others don’t, and that’s okay! But when you’re studying a marine biology, or any science degree in fact, research is really pushed on you as a career path. Thankfully, most universities give you the opportunities to gain experience in research through assignments and field trips, which is invaluable when it comes to picking a career. So, if you’re not 100% set on research, here are some career options that might work for you!

Me at my marine biology related job that isn’t research!

Me at my marine biology related job that isn’t research!

1.Fisheries and Aquaculture

Fisheries and Aquaculture might be a place where you can use all the information you know about fish biology, to create more sustainable fisheries systems. This position would be perfect if you love solving problems, with problems focused around creating a new diet for fish, modelling fish populations, and understanding the reasons for population changes. This is a position that has the possibility to take you around the world, with fisheries and aquaculture occurring almost everywhere!

2. Marine Non-Government Organisations

Non-government organisations are any non-profit or voluntary organisations such as Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, Reef Check etc. Even though they’re voluntary, this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to move up with the organisation and start getting paid eventually, you just might need to give your time for a little while first. This position is perfect for those who love conservation, and like being actively involved with the community.

3. Consultancy

This would likely involve working for mining companies, but there are also a whole range of other companies who need consulting that you can find, because I know mining doesn’t align with most people’s values. This would most likely involve collecting data, assessing environments, and writing reports as to where they can and can’t set up, and what the possible effects that mining or building in a particular area could have on the environment.

4. Government Work

There are so many different opportunities available  working forthe government. It could involve working for national parks and reef areas, and keeping them in pristine conditions for everyone to enjoy. It could also involve creating policies to continue to protect marine parks. The possibilities are endless!

5. Education and Teaching

This doesn’t necessarily have to be teaching at primary or secondary schools, but a lot of tourism companies look for in-house marine biologists to teach their guests about the local marine life. There are also many companies and conservation groups that give educational talks to schools, teaching students about marine life, and current issues such as plastic pollution and living a more sustainable lifestyle.

There are so many opportunities out there if you don’t want to pursue a research career, you just have to be creative and think outside the box!


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