Blue Seawalls: Using Artificial Structures to Support Biodiversity
Compared to our knowledge of the terrestrial environment, the ocean remains enigmatic; a vast, relentless mystery, the depths of which we understand less than the surface of the Moon. Serene though they may appear, coastlines the world over are being remodelled and redesigned to suit the needs of a growing human population, through the addition of artificial structures.
Pink Precipitation
If you live anywhere that gets cold, you’ve been told to not eat the yellow snow. But no one told us what to do with pink snow. Places around the world are starting to experience watermelon snow a.k.a. “blood snow”. Don’t worry no one got hurt. This isn’t the ‘White Christmas’ episode of Black Mirror. It’s actually due to an algae, Chlamydormonas nivalis, expressing natural red/pink pigment to protect itself from UV rays.
Dani Marston: Why is seagrass an unsung superhero?
This week we interview seagrass enthusiast Dani Marston! After returning from a six-week marine research expedition along the coast of the Riviera Maya, she realised how important the unsung hero of our oceans – Seagrass – really is, and is determined to raise public awareness of this vital species!
Here she is in her own words…