Protecting Ocean Giants: Meet Dr Andrea Marshall

The Shy Albatross - An Interview with Claire Mason
In grade 9 biology, I wrote a research report on the behaviour of albatross – a bird I had never heard of before but was intrigued by because they looked like my pet ducks. I was absolutely blown away by them! I headed off to the big smoke (Brisbane) to study environmental science when I was 17. After a lot of study, some persistent nagging, and with bucket-loads of guidance and support from great scientists and people, I am now coming to the end of my PhD studying a threatened Australian species, the shy albatross.
Lobbying for Lobsters: Do they feel pain?

Fire Retardant Fur Seals: A Team Interview
Nothing has caught my eye in the same way that “Firefighting chemicals found in sea lion and fur seal pups” did on my monthly google search for blog topics. The real paper is called “Per and polyfluoroalkyl subtances (PFAS) at high concentrations in neonatal Australian pinnipeds”. Researchers from the University of Sydney analyzed levels of PFA’s found in three pinniped species: Australian Sea Lion (N. cinerea), Australian Fur Seal (A.p. doriferus), and Long-nosed Fur Seal (A. forsteri). PFA’s (identified as PFOA’s and PFOS’s through out the article) are fire retardant chemicals that can be found in products such as fire fighting foams, “stain repellents, polishes, paints and coatings”.

An interview with Marine Mammal Scientist, Emma Chereskin
Research has shown that dolphins exhibit a variety of social behaviours within their pods, although their communication systems have been studied extensively, there is still much to learn. Meet Emma Chereskin, marine mammal scientist completing her Masters degree at the University of Bristol who studies sociality and vocal communication in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins.

Working with community fisheries to influence change: Meet Dr Joanna Alfaro Shigueto, a Peruvian Marine Biologist
Meet Dr Joanna Alfaro Shigueto, director and co-founder of ProDelphinus, a non-profit organisation in Peru that works with fishing communities, researchers and the government to protect sea turtles and marine fauna to reduce by-catch. She is an incredible scientist and mother of two (Kenzo and Jake) who has worked in marine conservation in South America for over 25 years!

A Story of the North: Memoirs of a Whale Watching Guide
I think it is what I liked the most about being a whale watching guide. Being directly on the frontline between science and ‘real life’.”
My last two summers were spent where I like to be the most - by the ocean, or even better, on the ocean.

Starting Small: Interviewing Sue Trew, children's author and illustrator
Sue Trew is an author and illustrator who grew up on the islands of Barbados. Inspired by the wildlife she grew up around, she launched her series of children’s books and plushies called Turtle Tracks Family. You can find Trew’s books in zoos, aquariums, and non-profits across where revenue goes back to support their programs. She actively works with partner organizations to write books on specific topics, such as her latest “Gecko Getwaway” sponsored by the Fauna & Flora International.

Cephalopod Welfare Ethics and Cognitive Research: Meet Dr Jennifer Mather
Cephalopods, a group of marine Molluscs that includes squid, octopus and cuttlefish are a mysterious and intelligent assortment of invertebrates. Although cephalopods do not come to mind as the ideal laboratory specimen, their distinctive behaviour and intelligence has made them indispensable to research. Meet Dr Jennifer Mather, a University Professor in Psychology from the University of Lethbridge, Canada whose fascination with intelligence in the oceans has led her on an incredible journey into cephalopod welfare, ethics and cognitive research.

Ocean Science in 2020 - 7 News that Will Make You Feel Better about the Past Year.
But here we are, at the start of 2021 (2020 is over, phew), so let’s take a minute to forget about everything that’s gone wrong and think just for a little while, about some of the things that have gone right. Because there are a lot of really great people doing really great things that deserve a bit of recognition too. So sit back (festive beverage optional), relax, and enjoy some of the little wins our big blue friend has achieved this year.

Beluga Whales!
Polar regions, (Arctic and Antarctic) cover more than 20% of the Earth’s surface and are home to some of the most extreme and rapidly changing environments. Life can be challenging with bitter cold winds, lasting months of darkness and sub freezing temperatures. A seemingly desolate expanse, the Polar Regions biodiversity has nonetheless evolved to thrive in these extreme climates.

Nudibranch November
Nudibranchs are a tiny ocean wonder and if you’ve never heard of them, you’re in luck because it’s Nudibranch November! Nudibranchs are a very small, colourful and charismatic species found all over the world - you just need to know where to look to find them. The following four female underwater photographers are seasoned in the art of finding and photographing these special animals.

Searchin’ the Urchins – Ecotoxicology with Fengjia Liu
Fengjia Liu is a first-year PhD student with the University of Highlands and Islands and based at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (Scotland, UK). Her research focuses on ecotoxicology of sea urchins. https://www.sams.ac.uk/people/research-students/fengjia-liu/

More than a scientist
When you think of a scientist you might think of someone in a lab or working outside, but rarely do you think of someone in the classroom. Veronica “Vero” Valverde works for the Leatherback Trust in Playa Cabuyal, Costa Rica and is one of the original members of their educational program, launched in 2017.
What a Summer with the Whales Taught Me

Food for Thought : Part 2
Welcome back to Part 2 of marine organisms named after food! This week we start off with vegetables, making sure you get your 5 a day!

Food for Thought : Part One
It could be that the scientists naming these marine creatures were just particularly hungry that day, but here are the good, the bad, and the barmy names of marine creatures named after food!

Weird and Wonderful Octopus Facts
Ever stuck for conversation at dinner parties? (No, I don’t get invited to dinner parties either. But imagine if we were…). Well relax, I’ve got you covered. Here are several wonderful facts about the octopus that are guaranteed to start conversations, mainly ‘why do you know this?’, and ‘are you sure you were invited?’, and ‘security!’