The Marine Biologist That Can't Dive
Popular, Turtle Science, Archive Sofia Dalla Costa Popular, Turtle Science, Archive Sofia Dalla Costa

The Marine Biologist That Can't Dive

When I was 16 years old, I found out I would never be able to scuba dive. The only way I could ever dive again (because the first time was a bloody mess, literally), would be to save enough money to get surgery to fix my sinuses. This was crushing as I had a life-long dream of being a marine biologist. Essentially I just said screw it, I’m going to uni and studying Marine Biology anyway!

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Local Women Creating Waves of Change in Melanesian Communities
Popular, Coral Reef, Outreach Scientists Michaela Farnham Popular, Coral Reef, Outreach Scientists Michaela Farnham

Local Women Creating Waves of Change in Melanesian Communities

Supported by the Coral Sea Foundation (@coralseafoundation), the Sea Women of Melanesia are a small group of young women, working together to advocate and enact change within their communities. This week our editor, Michaela, was fortunate enough to interview one of them, Julyne Norlie, the coordinator for Papua New Guinea.

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Welcome to Girls in Ocean Science
Popular, Editor's Pick Mads St Clair Popular, Editor's Pick Mads St Clair

Welcome to Girls in Ocean Science

Introducing Girls in Ocean Science, the number one place for girls in marine science to connect and get together. Whether you're a marine biologist, researcher, student, oceanographer, engineer, chemist, or simply a girl who loves ocean science, then this is the platform for you! So who are we and what are we about? Keep reading to find out…

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