Right Whales, Right on Time!
women in marine conservat Anna Safryghin women in marine conservat Anna Safryghin

Right Whales, Right on Time!

Springtime in New England attracts millions of tourists to the beautiful coastlines and surrounding waters of the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Amongst these seasonal visitors are the North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) who migrate to the nutrient rich waters between Massachusetts and Canada every year to feed on plankton.

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Colombia’s Marine Life Through the Lens of a Camera: An Interview with Mariana Rivera
women in marine conservat, Archive Anna Safryghin women in marine conservat, Archive Anna Safryghin

Colombia’s Marine Life Through the Lens of a Camera: An Interview with Mariana Rivera

Deep in the waters of the Caribbean and the Pacific coasts of Colombia, magical and awe-inspiring marine life thrives; from majestic humpback whales, hammerhead sharks and huge groupers, to leatherback turtles, sea snakes and colourful coral reefs. The beauty of Colombia’s marine life has been captured by Mariana Rivera - a colombian biologist, underwater photographer and documentary film-maker.

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A Story of the North: Memoirs of a Whale Watching Guide

A Story of the North: Memoirs of a Whale Watching Guide

I think it is what I liked the most about being a whale watching guide. Being directly on the frontline between science and ‘real life’.”

My last two summers were spent where I like to be the most - by the ocean, or even better, on the ocean.

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Storytelling and Marine Conservation: An Interview with Tales for Gaia team

Storytelling and Marine Conservation: An Interview with Tales for Gaia team

No matter where you are on Earth, every single person has a story to tell about the lives they live. Stories have the power to connect us to each other and to bring about change. They also have the power to make us more emphatic to what is happening around us. This is the beauty and magic of storytelling! Without it, we wouldn’t be humans.

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Using Education to Protect Great White Sharks: A Discussion with Marianne Long

Using Education to Protect Great White Sharks: A Discussion with Marianne Long

The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is a Cape Cod, Massachusetts based non-profit organization with the mission to support scientific research, improve public safety, and educate the community to inspire white shark conservation. Marianne Long is the Education Director at AWSC. She works with the Education team to create and deliver education programs that engage the public

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Protecting the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: A conversation with Natasha Gardiner

Protecting the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: A conversation with Natasha Gardiner

Magical and full of beauty and mysteries, Antarctica is a frozen wonderland. We spoke with Natasha Gardiner, a PhD researcher at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand where her research focuses on the Antarctic and Southern Ocean science-policy interface.

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Magical Sea-Gardens and Rethinking Conservation:  A conversation with Anne Salomon and Dana Lepofsky

Magical Sea-Gardens and Rethinking Conservation:  A conversation with Anne Salomon and Dana Lepofsky

At least 3500 years ago, along the Northwest Coast of North America, coastal First Nations developed a highly productive and sustainable mariculture technique known as clam gardens. We had a conversation with Anne Salomon and Dana Lepofsky, professors and researchers at the Simon Fraser University (Canada).

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Nudibranch November

Nudibranch November

Nudibranchs are a tiny ocean wonder and if you’ve never heard of them, you’re in luck because it’s Nudibranch November! Nudibranchs are a very small, colourful and charismatic species found all over the world - you just need to know where to look to find them. The following four female underwater photographers are seasoned in the art of finding and photographing these special animals.

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Why should we care about ocean acidification?

Why should we care about ocean acidification?

Before you begin reading this blog, I would like you to take a few seconds to reflect on the following questions: what does ‘ocean acidification’ mean to you? Do you consider that stressors such as marine plastic pollution need more urgent attention? How visible or invisible is ocean acidification in your life?

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